Wednesday, January 31, 2007

If I had hair to pull, I'd pull it.

Hey guys! 
It's Wednesday night, and I just got finished making my notecards for 
bible and science. I couldn't even study for my english quiz tomorrow
because I totally forgot my binder at school. So my english teacher is
going to read this and be like "Oh this is why he failed" I'm 
kinda bummed about it because I have to do really good this like
1st month in school because there is not alot of grades so if i bomb 
anything right now it will affect my grade dramatically. The good is
is that  it's hump day, and soon to be thursday.weeeew. well I'm 
getting pretty tired so i'm going to hit the hay. See ya!



Mary Lasse said...

Yay! Comments! Well, you are definitely in for a world of trouble tomorrow at school...this English quiz is HARD. But, remember that it's a quiz, and you've been in class and paying attention (I can tell because of the weird face that you make...).

Mary Lasse said...

HEY! I want a custom header for my blogs; how'd you do it? And, no, I'm not stalking you and your blog - just happened to read a few things about which I wanted to comment. So, put down the phone; don't call the cops; place a hold on the restraining order...